Directory Service

Reduce your dependency on Active Directory

Requiring IT to constantly update Active Directory with changes related to temporary or external users is costly and time-consuming, and can also lead to stale accounts and errors.

Choose where to best manage your identities

Reduce your dependency on Active Directory and decrease licensing costs for users who don’t frequently sign in to your apps. Safewhere lets you choose where to best manage your user identities: In Active Directory, LDAP, a cloud directory, Safewhere’s own user directory or any combination.

With Safewhere you can integrate any number of user directories and set up automatic workflows for synchronizing user data between them. This enables you to manage all your users in one place with the flexibility to decide what directory you want to use as the master.

Essentially, Safewhere helps you ensure that identity data is kept consistent and up-to-date across your entire on-premise and cloud infrastructure.

Business benefits
Prevention unauthorized access

Lower cost for identity management

Reduce AD dependency

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