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Meet Safewhere – an easier way to connect your business with all its online accounts

Safewhere is a cloud Identity and Access Management solution (IAM). Like a gateway with all your employee passwords, Safewhere lets company users access applications securely – via any login method and through any device.

Access to all your apps with any login

Safewhere lets you provide users with secure single sign-on to any business app with any authentication type

Any user

Grant users access to your applications across different user directories without additional licensing costs

Any application

Integrate any app into Safewhere and provide convenient single sign-on access to all your applications

Any login method

Allow these selected users to access your apps with one of their existing identities

Here’s what you can do with Safewhere

Single sign-on

Allow employees to sign in to all your business applications with just one login method; whether based on-premises or in the cloud

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Access security

Maintain control and visibility over access permissions as employees join, leave or move around your organization through different job functions

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Cloud and On-prem

Safewhere Cloud is perfect for startups, also having the ability to scale up to high volumes. Companies with in-house expertise can choose to run Safewhere on-prem

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Extensive app support

Connect any app with Safewhere Identify, supporting OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, SAML 2.0, and WS-Federation.

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Partner federation

Integrate with any identity provider, let partners manage their own identities and security, and enable seamless single sign-on.

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Any authentication method

Enable logins via social accounts, national IDs, and corporate credentials.

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Multi-factor auth

Increase security by asking users to authenticate with an extra set of credentials or an extra login method based on the device, location and data accessed

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Directory service

Rather than typical enterprise IDaaS integration with existing user repositories, keep your identity data available in on-premises and cloud directories

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Audit and Reports

Our in-house audit and analytics tool will easily display login to various apps, and create reports that will assist you in becoming GDPR compliant

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Adaptive authentication

Adjust authentication based on risk factors, such as device and location, to ensure robust security and a seamless user experience.

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Password reset

Cut help desk costs, boost productivity with Safewhere Identify’s self-service password reset. Support multiple authentication methods and customize seamlessly.

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Supported apps and logins

Safewhere supports +1000 apps that can be integrated to enable single sign-on and user provisioning for your enterprise applications. Safewhere proactively maintains the existing integrations and keeps integrating new applications on a daily basis.
Safewhere supports multiple different possibilities for authentication and login. Below you can find some of our supported possibilities for authentication within social and corporate login, national IDs and multifactor (MFA).
Besides the below we support a number of Open Standards such as SAML 2.0, SAML 1.1, OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, OpenID, WS-Federation, WS-Trust 1.4.

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